Linking allows you to create links between internal wiki pages and also external content. When you create a link, clicking on the link will take you to the page which is being linked. If the page does not exist, then the page will be created when you click the link to the page.
Basic links
Basic links are created by enclosing text inside of two sets of square brackets. The text will be the name of the page that you are linking to.
For example, this would be a link to the home page: [[Home]] and it would look like this Home.
Custom text links
Custom text links are created by enclosing text inside of two sets of square brackets. In addition to the basic link above, you can specify custom text using a pipe character.
For example, this would be a link to the home page with custom text: [[Home, Take me home!]] and it would look like this Take me home!.
Links with Images (internal)
Links with images created by enclosing text inside of two sets of square-brackets and then using a pipe character to separate an attachment name starting with image:. In addition, you can add another pipe character and specify the scaling of the image. Please note that the image has to be attached to the page.
Link to the home page with an image:
[[Home, image:TightWiki Logo.png]]
Link to the home page with an image scaled to 10%
[[Home, image:TightWiki Logo.png, 10]]
Link to the home using images from another page
[[Wiki Help, image:Builtin :: Media/TightWiki Icon 6.png, 25]]
Links with Images (external)
Links with external images (those residing on another server) created by enclosing text inside of two sets of square-brackets and then using a comma to separate a image URL starting with image:.
Link to the home page using an external image:
[[Home, image:]]
See Also
Function Calling Convention
Scope Function
Instruction Function
Standard Function